Large-leafed Balsamroot
Balsamorhiza macrophylla Nutt.
Large-leafed balsamroot is a perennial with leafless flowing stems about two feet tall, arising from a well-developed taproot and branched underground rootcrown with depth of 18 inches. The basal leaves are green and 10 to 20 inches long to entire-margined or coarsely toothed segments. The foliage has short, stiff hairs and long sparse hairs. The flower yellow disk flower heads are large, resemble a sunflower, and usually singular. The lance shaped bracets are hairy. It flowers in late June-early July. It grows in coarse, fine, and medium textured soils. It requires 14 to 40 inches of precipitation with low drought tolerance. Found in Idaho, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming.
Planting: It is propagated by seed. The seed spread is slow and seedling vigor is medium.