Copyright © 1999 California Academy of Sciences
Gray Rabbit-Brush
Chrysothanmus nauseosus (Pall.) Britt
var. albiculis (Nutt.) Greene
Erect, densely branched shrub 1-3 feet tall. It has long, undivided leaves and felt-covered twigs. Flower heads are yellow, about 1/4 inch across, and form dense clusters. Flowers from August to October. The shrubs or half-shrubs die back to earth each year. Found throughout the Intermountain West and in Bannock County, Idaho. Nuttall reported finding the plant on Lewis' River. The Rabbit-Brush family was first identified by Nuttall. There is a holotype of the Gray Rabbit-Brush at the British Museum.
Medicinal Uses: A poultice made from the chewed plant tips has been applied to boils and rheumatic joints. An infusion of the leaves has been used to treat coughs, fevers, colds, internal injuries, and constipation. The finely mashed leaves have been inserted in tooth cavities to treat toothache.
Planting: Requires a sunny position and prefers a well-drained sandy soil. Plants do not require a rich soil and they tolerate alkaline soils. A very hardy plant but it prefers a drier climate. Cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August in sand in a frame..